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Top Tips to Get a Promotion

Race up the corporate ladder and make up for time spent in the same position by doing everything you can to earn a job promotion with our top tips...

1. Work for a company where you have room to progress

The type of company you work for can definitely determine your potential for promotion. When you’re applying for jobs, look out for companies that boast opportunities to advance. You don't have to work for a massive organisation, but these are normally the ones that offer plenty of promotion possibilities at any given time, if you end up working for a company with not a lot going on, you may come up against a dead end.

2. Do the best you can

Anything from good attendance, punctuality, and a willingness to go the extra mile will all work in your favour when a promotion opportunity arises.

3. Devise a plan

Set yourself some goals to help you advance and measure your progress against them. If you need to acquire certain skills then plan to do so. But if you can’t meet your plan in your current work place or if you can’t make any more progress and aren’t enjoying your role any longer - there are plenty of opportunities for ambitious people like yourself elsewhere.

4. Make sure your boss knows you’re doing a good job

You don't want to come across as an attention grabber or even worse a "brown-noser," so take it easy when blowing your own trumpet. Make sure people know who you are and make sure you get credit where credits due but don’t look as if you’re boasting. By keeping in good contact with your manager, you can make sure they know what you've been up and you point out any achievements that might have otherwise been over looked.

5. Copy

Look at the characteristics of those people above you and emulate them. What talents do they have? What skills do they use on a daily basis? Show off your best qualities to capture their attention.

6. Be popular

You’d like to think that promotions would be based solely on the merit of the candidate, however we don't live in an ideal world and office politics often play a huge role in who gets promoted and who doesn't. Aside from being kind and helpful to your co-workers make sure you’re present at company events and network with people from outside your department to gain contacts in other parts of the business.

7. The right people need to know you want a promotion

Don't be afraid to let your manager know about your career goals. Most large companies will try to nurture individuals who want to progress. That said though, it’s really important that you don’t appear dissatisfied in your current role; demonstrate you’re ready for new challenges but still focused.

8. Just do it

Sometimes it’s easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Nine times out of ten the people who you need permission from are extremely busy so there’s a chance that waiting for them to get back to you will ultimately slow you down and you’ll miss the opportunity altogether. So we say take risks like a manager and see if your idea works, this is bound to get you noticed.

9. Make Your Boss Look Good 

In school, your goal was to achieve a gold star for your homework. In business, your goal should be to make your boss get recognised for doing his job well, which he’ll remember come promotion time. Your boss will usually have targets that he has to meet, find out what they are and do everything in your power to help in achieve them.

10. Be Patient

Patience really is a virtue, especially when seeking a promotion. It’s always best to be realistic with yourself about your qualifications and your overall job performance when applying for a new role. If you’re passed over for a promotion on the first try, don't get frustrated. After all, although you might think you’re ready you might have a little way to go before your boss thinks so. But at the same time, don’t wait around forever!

11. Develop a new position.

If you want to you take on new responsibilities and figured out a better way to do your existing job, why not talk to management about creating a new position? Since you're the one who saw the need, presumably you're the one who’s best qualified for the position. You might not get a huge pay rise at first, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.

12. Apply for other jobs within the company.

It’s time to be proactiveif you can’t move up, move across. These days you can't just wait for a promotion to fall in your lap. Most promotions at large companies require you to go through an application and interview process, and usually you'll have to compete with candidates from outside the company so make sure you’re applying for the right positions. It’s crucial when competitions stiff not to just apply for any old opportunity just because pays a bit more than your current job.

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